Pimples: 5 things you need to know

Have a pimple (or two, or three…) and don't know what to do about it? Let us walk you through it!

Pimples are indeed something that all of us experience. In fact, about 80% of people will be affected by pimples or acne at some point in their lives!
While pimples tend to be more intense for boys than girls during adolescence, women tend to continue suffering from pimples every so often throughout their lives. Why is there such a difference, you might ask? Simply because acne is directly related to hormones - and although women do not have more hormones than men, they do have greater hormonal variations.
It turns out that the skin is not a big fan of these variations, which means that one out of two women get a pimple or two on occasion—possibly due to stress, fatigue or diet.

How do pimples form, exactly?

Pimples occur when hair follicles become inflamed due to a bacteria species called Cutibacterium acnes. Although everyone has this form of bacteria, it doesn't necessarily cause problems. But, add certain other factors to the mix and you get the inflammation that is responsible for creating pimples.

Does sebum have anything to do with acne?

Definitely! Sebum plays a significant role in the proliferation of acne. However, it isn’t the only cause. In fact, for acne-causing bacteria to produce pimples, two conditions are required: the presence of sebum and low oxygen. Let’s take a step-by-step look at how this works:
  • Bacteria is present on the skin.
  • In certain circumstances, there is an overproduction of sebum inside the pores—providing the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.
  • At the same time, cell renewal slows and dead skin accumulates, obstructing the follicle. Oxygen decreases, causing the bacteria to multiply.
  • Given these perfect circumstances, the skin’s pores become inflamed and pimples appear.

Is it bad to pop a pimple?

Left to its own devices, skin is highly capable of regenerating itself. Pimples therefore end up healing, without leaving a trace.
On the flip side, popping a pimple can result in tearing or damage, which means that the skin will have a lot more work to do in order to completely repair itself. And, on top of it all, the damage you have done is more than likely to leave you with a scar.

What can I do to treat my pimples?

Although it can be difficult to resist, it’s best to do as little as possible. And, of course, if you plan on doing anything at all, you should choose your treatments wisely. Here are a few things you can do to treat your pimples:
  • To prevent pimples from appearing, you have to clear out your pores in order to promote oxygenation. In order to treat your skin, notably against oiliness and blackheads, we suggest applying SÉBOLOGIE Double Concentrate morning and night.
  • If a pimple has already made its appearance, apply SÉBOLOGIE Localized Concentrate just before bed. It can be applied any other time of day as well, but since it has a pinkish colour that is pretty visible, most people prefer applying it before bedtime.
The Localized Concentrate contains a cocktail of ingredients with antifungal, antibacterial and antiseptic properties: everything you need to rid your skin of that infamous bacteria. And, because the product is applied directly to the pimple, it provides ultra-targeted treatment that works in just a few hours. As an added bonus, the product contains a hydrating ingredient—after all, we want to get rid of your pimple without leaving you with completely dehydrated skin!

Which skincare routine can help prevent pimples altogether?

The key is, first and foremost, to thoroughly cleanse your skin as gently as possible to avoid irritation. By scrubbing your skin too hard, disinfecting or drying it out to remove oil, your skin feels as though it’s being attacked and will defend itself by producing more sebum.

To treat acne and help control breakouts, use the SÉBOLOGIE line of products to ensure proper sebum production and promote cell renewal.

It goes without saying that you have to hydrate your skin using a product that does not contain any oil. Dehydrated skin has a tendency to defend itself by producing more sebum. That’s the main reason why it’s essential to provide it with proper care to replenish its water reserves. The HYDRAGENIST line of products will help you do just that!

One last piece of advice—stay out of the sun! Very often, after soaking up the sun all summer long, skin is at its best and practically pimple-free. Indeed, in the short term, exposure to the sun has a positive effect on acne. Unfortunately, however, once September hits, you’ll suffer a rebound effect from all that sun exposure and your acne will return in full force!

We hope you’re now equipped with the knowledge you’ll need when you come face to face with a pimple in the mirror!

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