Best expert advice: understanding cellulite

Given that cellulite is a natural part of our bodies, it should come as no surprise that 93% of women suffer from it. It can therefore be useful to understand its causes and origins.

What exactly is cellulite?

Although cellulite is visible on the surface of the skin, it actually occurs deep down in the hypodermis, which is the third layer of the skin. The hypodermis is composed of fat cells that look like tiny balloons filled with fat, referred to as adipocytes.

When these fat cells are full, they divide into two in order to increase their storage capacity. As the number of fat cells increase and begin to contain more and more fat, skin becomes deformed and dimpled—and cellulite makes its appearance.

Because it is mainly caused by fat, is it possible for thin women to get cellulite?

Definitely. What's important to understand is that the fat affecting the number on the scale is subcutaneous fat while the fat that causes cellulite is a natural component of the skin.

What causes cellulite?

The more the cells of the hypodermis become gorged with fat, the greater the amount of cellulite. Beginning at puberty, cellulite is a sign of the presence of female hormones. These hormones—namely estrogen—send a signal telling the body that the woman is now of reproductive age and, as such, must store energy reserves to ensure the survival of the future children she will breastfeed. A moderate amount of cellulite is therefore a sign that the body is working as it should!

The older a woman gets, the more this type of cellulite diminishes. However, over time, skin loses firmness, causing the existing cellulite to become somewhat deformed. Cellulite changes in appearance with age. When a woman is young, cellulite forms quite regularly and, over the years, this cellulite fades slightly, giving skin a somewhat wavy appearance.

How do anti-cellulite products work?

A good anti-cellulite product should tackle two different aspects of cellulite.

First, the hormonal aspect – for “young” cellulite:

  • Active caffeine is a great way to reduce the size of fat cells. In fact, caffeine is pretty much a standard ingredient in most anti-cellulite products. Lierac’s BODY-SLIM product contains a record 10% concentration of active caffeine!<
  • When fat cells multiply, the best solution for impressive results is to reduce the number of adipocytes. In the BODY-SLIM product, this is the mission of the Sacred Lotus.

And, the firming aspect – for “mature” cellulite:
  • In this case, the use of a high-performance peptide is the favoured approach. The goal is to ensure that it acts upon the skin’s three main types of cells for remarkable anti-aging and firming results.

Good to know: cellulite is rarely 100% young or 100% mature. A skincare product that tackles both types simultaneously—such as BODY-SLIM—ensures that all your needs are met!

Another very important aspect to take into consideration is water retention, which can occur at any age. Water retention makes cellulite worse and, in response, cellulite causes even more water retention, resulting in a vicious cycle. Gently applying a skincare product in an upward motion promotes lymphatic circulation, which helps control water retention.

Is it really possible to reduce the amount of cellulite, or can we only affect its appearance?

Reducing the amount of cellulite is definitely possible as long as you use a skincare product with an adapted formula that works deep down in the skin’s hypodermis layer. BODY-SLIM, for example, contains a peptide that takes care of the cells responsible for cellulite both in the deeper layers of the skin and on the surface in order to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Our best anti-cellulite tips for everyday care:

  • - Exfoliate: Good ingredients are obviously an important component of any anti-cellulite product, but the product’s ability to penetrate the skin is equally as important. Although the product’s texture has a lot to do with it, exfoliating at least once a week can truly optimize your anti-cellulite treatment.
  • - Move: Physical activity increases blood flow, thereby oxygenating skin and maximizing the effectiveness of products. Exercising also has a positive effect on the lymphatic system, which ultimately helps reduce water retention. Lastly, having healthy muscles provides added support to the skin, contributing to a smoother appearance overall.
  • - Hydrate: Drink plenty of water! After all, your goal is to eliminate fat. Compare your water intake to a sort of rinse cycle for the body. Getting rid of fat and toxins is impossible without drinking water. You should also hydrate your skin between your BODY-SLIM treatments. It’s no secret that hydrated skin is healthy skin. This applies to both your face and body!
  • - Be gentle: Keep in mind that, when it comes to improving blood and lymphatic flow, a gentle and soft massage is more effective than a vigorous one. Take the time to lightly apply your skincare product, working with an upward motion.

Congratulations - you are now a cellulite expert!  


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